# Ad Implementations / Support

Implementation/modification OAP ENT
Below 2K NetForMarfeel Above 2K NetFor Marfeel Below 1K NetForMarfeel Above 1K NetForMarfeel
Direct Campaigns Not accepted Not accepted 15% 15%
Inline positions (i.e: Teads, Sunmedia, video ads, other partners) No π approval required Not accepted π approval
Bottom/Top - Native, Programmatic Accepted. No π ticked required/Leroy Accepted No π ticked required/Leroy
Marfeel Sticky Accepted No π ticket required/Leroy
Client's Sticky Accepted. No π approval required Not accepted π approval
Scripts / wrappers Not accepted Support Review/PB Not accepted Support Review/PB + π approval
Interstitial Accepted. No π approval required Accepted. No π approval required
Widgets Accepted. No π approval required Accepted. No π approval required
Aggressivness Modifications Accepted. No π approval required Accepted. No π approval required
Multisize Modifications π approval π approval

# Scripts / wrappers

Floating formats and scripts are impredictables- they can put ads where they want, and interfere with Marfeel positions, blocking HB, lazy loading or other features

Support/AM has to add to the ticket info about the script - AdNetwork, format, position, reason for the implementation;

Teck team has to check if the implementation is compatible with Marfeel and:

  1. create PB added to π ticket for approval if position is inline and the implementation inline is allowed for this size of tenant
  2. implement if the position is bottom or inter

# Sticky

Sticky as a format vs external ad network serving sticky format

If tenant asks for the implementation of sticlky as a format - Marfeel sticky

If tenant asks for the implementation of sticky monetized by external Adnetwork the process depends of the size of the tenant

# Inline positions (i.e: Teads, Sunmedia, video ads)

For ENT tenans above the threshold:

π will take into consideration the ad configuration of the tenant, % of Direct Campaigns and other inline implementations

# Aggressivness Modifications

Standart set up - Default, Loose, Aggressive

For other modifications related to amount of ads - π approval required