# Understand 403 responses

A 403 response means the server refuses to serve the resource (opens new window).

If a curl request with one of Fastly's IP addresses returns a 403:

$ curl -I -H "Host:www.example.com" -k
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

It means Fastly IP is blacklisted by the origin domain. If the request with Fastly IP returns any error code but a 200 with your own IP, it is also likely that Fastly is blacklisted.


Some servers are configured to return 5xx response codes instead of 4xx. For this step verification, treat 5xx errors as 4xx.

The tenant must whitelist all of Fastly public IP addresses (opens new window) from their origin server to move forward


The origin server must whitelist Fastly, not the current CDN (which will be deactivated when MarfeelCDN is activated) neither the canonical domain:

  • origin.example.com is the server that must allow Fastly.
  • not www.example.com