# Clone

# Commands

# Default

Used to clone a MediaGroup repository into your local machine

  $ glue clone MEDIAGROUP
ARG1 MediaGroup you want to checkout
Option Function
-M, --mytenants=mytenants Use MyTenants env
-S, --shallowClone Clone with --depth=1 flag
-a, --all Clone all MediaGroups from environment
-b, --branch=branch Branch to clone
-c, --code Open code on downloaded Mediagroup
-n, --numberOfCloners=numberOfCloners Amount of cloning operations performed at the same time
-o, --outputDir=outputDir Output directory where MediaGroup repositories are cloned
-r, --ref=ref Pass a PR ref
-d, --deploy Clones the deploy repo of your MediaGroup
-s, --sync Should only create symlinks
-t, --tenant=tenant Tenant you want to checkout