# Invalidate

Tool to invalidate content for a tenant in your local or production environment.

Useful when:

  • You are starting to work on a tenant and need to test a change in the extraction process.
  • You have commited a change and want to invalidate the preview-branch.
  • You have merged you changes to master and want to invalidate a section or article in production.

# Commands

# Default

Invalidates the whole tenant in your local environment.

  $ glue invalidate
Option Function
--production Invalidate a tenant in production

# invalidate --production

Will invalidate your current branch in production.

  • This command is not available for the master branch.
  $ glue invalidate --production

# invalidate:article

Invalidates the specified article in your local environment. To invalidate the article in production, add the --production flag.

  $ glue invalidate:article [ARTICLEURI]
Option Function
--production Invalidate the article in production

# invalidate:article --production

Invalidates the specified article in production.

  • To invalidate a preview-branch you just have to check out the branch in your repository, Glue we will detect the branch automatically and invalidate it.
  • The article uri has to include the protocol: https://mytenant.com/article/1
  $ glue invalidate:article [ARTICLEURI] --production

# invalidate:section

Invalidates the specified section in your local environment. To invalidate the section in production, add the --production flag.

  $ glue invalidate:section [SECTION]
Argument Value
ARG1 Section name, index or uri
Option Function
-h, --help Shows this help
-r, --range=range Pass two section names or indexes separated with a coma to define a section range to invlidate. Ex: home,breakingnews or 0,5
--production Invalidate a section in production

# -r, --range=range

Specifying two indexes or two names, a section range will be invalidated in your local environment

  • Not compatible with --production, you can't invalidate a section range in production. Only single sections.
  $ glue invalidate:section -r 0,5

Invalidates from the section with index 0 to the section with index 5

  $ glue invalidate:section -r home,breakingnews

Invalidates from the section with name home to the section with name breakingnews

# invalidate:section --production

Invalidates the specified section in production. It will detect the branch you'r working on and invalidate that preview-branch in the live environment.

  • Not compatible with master branch.
  • You can specify with its index or name.
  • The section uri has to include the protocol: https://mytenant.com/section.
  $ glue invalidate:section 0 --production

Invalidates section with index 0 in production

  $ glue invalidate:section home --production

Invalidates section named home

  $ glue invalidate:section https://mytenant.com/section1 --production