# Quickstart

This quickstart guide aims at making you writing docs in no time. It contains practical advice and guidelines.

# Quick documentation updates

When doing quick documentation updates, the easiest way to contribute is using the Edit this page in GitHub link found at the bottom of each article.

This link will open the article in the GitHub interface allowing you to do any modification and send a PR, everything without leaving the GitHub UI.

Edit using GitHub UI

Find more details on how to edit in GitHub in the contributing article.

# Big documentation updates

When you need to add a new article(s) or edit multiple articles, the recommended option is to clone the repository that you want to update.

Edit cloning the repository

Learn how clone the repository in the contributing article.

# Where to place new content

If you want to add new articles and you don't know where to place them, check the Architecture article. There, you will find the logic behind the documentation structure.

# File formatting

It is important that some formatting rules are followed across all MarfeelDocs to ensure its consistency.

Make sure you know all about file extension, file naming, Frontmatter, scope, and tag usage to include it in your article.

All the information is detailed in the writing conventions article.

# Flavour the article

Check the several elements that will help make your article shine.