# Consent levels

Users can choose how much of their data they want to share, for which purpose and with which provider.

You can check consent levels in Kibana (opens new window).


The available data is only for Prebid in touch and for impressions that fall under GDPR regulation.

How to read:

  1. consentAccepted represents the number of impressions with consent string with all purposes and vendors accepted
  2. consentRejected represents the number of impressions with consent string with all purposes and vendors rejected
  3. consentPartiallyAccepted represents the number of impressions with consent string with some purposes and/or vendors rejected
  4. consentTimeout represents the number of impressions shown without consent because a user did not take any decision within 10 sec
  5. consentUknown represents the number of impressions that do not fall into any of the categories above

To see the information for a particular tenant, add a filter with a tenant name in the search box:

dh:*example.com* or ac.dh:*example.com*

You can also make a Kibana query in Varys using fields rjPur and rjVen to see the number of rejected purposes and vendors respectively.