# Article and content group order

Articles have two layers of organization at Marfeel section pages.

Articles can be grouped in content groups. Content groups' order is automatic when using GetContentGroups and can be customized via Layout Descriptor. Check the Content Group Order section of this article to learn more about it.

All articles must follow the same order as they appear on the tenant's website, both the ones that are part of a content group and the ones that aren't. Check the Article Order section of this article to learn how.

# Article Order

Article order is defined during extraction by the Ripper.

By default, Puppeteer orders the articles properly. If it is not your case, add the sortItemsByDOM flag.


As the last resort, articles can be ordered using the order WhiteCollar feature. Learn all about it in its dedicated article.

You should avoid this solution when possible, as it adds complexity to the tenant's extraction configuration.

# Content Group Order

Content Group is configured by default when you use the GetContentGroups Puppeteer feature.

Alternatively, the order can be configured using the LayoutDescriptor. The rendered order is the same as the order of the content groups in the LayoutDescriptor configuration file.