# Social flags

source: MarfeelPlatform/docs/content-platform/sdk-reference/catalog-social-flags.md The following are all the social flags that can be defined in the Tenant's definition.json.

# lateralMenuShareOptions

Enables the socialNetworks feature on the lateral menu.

Values: True/False. Defaults to false.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "lateralMenuShareOptions": true,

# socialNetworks

Displays the social networks of the Tenant on the lateral menu.

Values: Array of objects with a name and uri.

All the social networks for which Marfeel has an icon are supported. Find the list in Marfeel's svg sprites (opens new window).



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
                "name": "facebook",
                "uri": "https://www.facebook.com/tenantname"
                }, {
                "name": "twitter",
                "uri": "https://twitter.com/tenantname"
                }, {
                "name": "instagram",
                "uri": "https://www.instagram.com/tenant/"

To change the styles, you can see the social sharing icons mixins that are available for the lateral menu.


This flag requires the lateralMenuShareOptions flag to be enabled.

# preloadComments

Collapsable comments in article pages do not show by default until users tap the comments box button. However, if this flag is set to true, comments will show automatically.

Values: True/False



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "preloadComments": true,

# pushNotifications (deprecated)

The pushNotifications provider should be declared in the pwa.json flag instead of the definition.

Bbackwards compatibility

The values in the definition have priority over the pwa.json file.

# pwa (deprecated)

The PWA value is a code describing which PWA features are active.

Values: Numerical. The default depends on the tenant's features. This value should be in the pwa.json file instead of the definition.



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "pwa": 31,

Bbackwards compatibility

The values in the definition have priority over the pwa.json file.

# socialSharing

Defines the order in which the social share buttons are displayed.

Values: String (comma separated list)

Defaults to: "facebook, twitter, email, whatsapp".



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "socialSharing":"facebook, twitter, email, comments",

# socialSharingModal

Defines the order and the different social networks to be displayed in the tenant's social share modal.

Values: String (comma separated list)

Defaults to:




    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "socialSharingModal": "facebook,whatsapp,twitter,messenger,telegram,linkedIn,pinterest,reddit,stumble,VK,OK,email,comments",

# tenantFacebookLanguage

When enabled, this flag changes the language of the Facebook Like Box according to the one defined.

Values: String. It must be an ISO language code supported by the Facebook API (opens new window).



This flag requires the tenantFacebookPageName flag to be enabled.


    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "tenantFacebookLanguage": "pt_PT",

# tenantFacebookPageName

Defines the Tenant's name in their Facebook app, to use in the Facebook Like Box.

Values: String



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "tenantFacebookPageName": "tenant.com",

# twitter

Defines the tenant's twitter handle (without @).

Values: String



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
    "twitter": "exampleNews",

# twitterFormatNative

Formats the shared article structure according to the Tenant's site.

Values: String. The parameters are:

  • {0}: title
  • {1}: tenant



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",
            "twitterFormatNative":"En @{1}: {0}",

# twitterFormatWeb

Formats the shared article structure according to the Tenant's site.

Values: String. The parameters are:

  • {0}: title
  • {1}: tenant
  • {2}: ??
  • {3}: ???

Edit this file if you have seen this flag in use! (opens new window)



    "title":"Title of the awesome example site",