# How to implement Direct Campaigns

Under conditions determined by the PI team, tenants can ask Marfeel to run direct campaigns on placements that normally belong to Marfeel.

Tenants under any business model can ask for this feature, enterprise or OAP.

The details on which percentage of traffic or impressions should be released are managed by the PI team directly.

At all times we must know if the campaign is direct or through Marfeel's ad server (this information must be specified in the ticket).

  • When the implementation is direct: the tenant can manage directly this position as he wishes. Correct configuration in the inventory is enough in this case, but the access to features is limited.
  • When the implementation is through Marfeel's ad server: PI Team must bypass the impressions to the tenant’s DFP.

Whenever possible, tenants should provide DFP tags to traffic the campaign through Marfeel's ad server. This has the following benefits:

  • Better control of the duration of the campaign
  • Enables geo-targeting for the campaign
  • Enables a balancer to share placements between Marfeel ads and the campaign
  • Cappping allowed: control over impressions/user per day

The configuration is different for each case, pick yours:

These guides assume knowledge about twister.json and inventory.json.