# Advertisement FAQ

# How do I validate if ads.txt has errors?

Find the ads.txt file in the insight page for the tenant, inside Studio at the section named ads.txt. If there are any errors will appear there highlighted in red. In that case, contact the tenant so they can fix them.

To discard a cache problem, compare that file with the one on liveint.mrf.io and the real tenant's domain. If the problem persists, contact the Caching System chapter.


Find the production ads.txt under those URL.

  • https://liveint.mrf.io/mds/www.tenantURL.com/ads.txt
  • https://www.tenantURL.com/ads.txt

# How to remove the ads from one single article?


Marfeel PI Team must approve any of the following tags before use.

Marfeel provides a meta tag to remove all ads from an article:

<meta name="mrf-advertisement" content="none">

If you want to remove only Marfeel's position is as it follows:

<meta name="mrf-advertisement" content="{"disableMarfeelPosition":"true"}">