# Setup issues in MarfeelPress

Every new installation of MarfeelPress normally leads to a new setup for that tenant in Marfeel. This process can fail for multiple reasons.

This article aims at giving remediation steps and fix ideas.

# MediaGroup registration in MarfeelInsight

Is the MediaGroup registered in MarfeelInsight? If not, sign up again the tenant in MarfeelInsight:

  • Obtain credentials for the tenant's WordPress installation
  • Remove the Insight key from the advanced settings page
  • Refresh the page and enter the tenant's email as required.

# GitHub repository creation

Each Media Group must have a designated GitHub repository. If it's not the case, create it:

# Home section URL

The home section might have a wrong URL configured if it's defined with APEX when it doesn't have that feature, or with SSL when it is not secured.

Make the necessary changes in the definition.json so it reflects the correct configuration.

# Plugin uninstalled

When the plugin is uninstalled Marfeel loses access to the database, therefore all content extractions will fail.


Learn how to check the MarfeelPress plugin status in the Plugin vs. Marfeel status article.

# Migration successful

Check in the definition if the tenant references the right rippers and fetchers. The tenant should use BoilerpipePressExtractor and marfeelPressRipper.